Szegedi Vízmű Zrt.
Vízmű Zrt.
Központi telefonszám
+36 62 55 88 55
Központi e-mail
6720 Szeged,
Tisza Lajos krt. 88.

Policy of quality, environment, energy-management and anti-corruption

Water is one of our most fundamental elements, a vital ingredient for life. It gives and sustains life, however, it can be capable of destroying it, too. Without water, plants dry out, seeds do not grow, and life is not possible. All living functions depend on water, there is no exception.
The water supply and waste water drainage for inhabited areas have always been among the most important and most responsible tasks.

Szeged Vízmű Zrt. considers its mission to provide all its customers with this vital element of our life, i.e. clear, healthy drinking water any moment of the day that is guaranteed by water safety requirements.

Our Company protects and takes care of the water entrusted upon us.  We do not only take it away from the environment but also return it, by continuously searching for environmentally friendly solutions.

We have dedicated ourselves to constantly improving an environmentally-conscious business attitude, and also to developing our technologies and services. In all fields of our activities, it is our expressed aim to become a European standard water service provider that may be considered as an example-setting organisation.

In order to provide our customers, owners and business associates with constantly improving and safe services, we are open to listen to their needs and expectations. Within our company group we always respect our company values.

In order to realise our objectives, we shall:

  • satisfy official and legal requirements as well as prescribed standards. We shall strive to conduct our activities according to European norms.
  • practice risk-based thinking, we strive to minimize our operational, drinking water safety, environmental and energy supply risks.
  • in the field of drinking water production and service, in addition to maximum compliance with hygienic conditions, we comply with all drinking water safety regulations.
  • aim to minimize the level of harmful emissions and the amount of waste generated, to reduce their environmental impact, to use materials and resources from nature sparingly and to continuously improve our energy performance, as well as to use renewable resources as widely as possible.
  • by applying a life cycle approach, we pay special attention to the continuous professional treatment of the resulting waste water, and to the energetic utilization of the biogas obtained from waste water sludge.
  • regularly check quality and maintain the accredited status of our testing laboratories.
  • provide information and resources necessary to achieve goals and targets.
  • support the procurement of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products and services that have an impact on energy management and environmental performance.

The professional training of our company's employees and the commitment shown at all levels of management guarantee the quality of our activities, the protection of our environment and energy-efficient operation.

The management of Szeged Waterworks is committed to conducting all its activities according to the strictest moral and ethical standards - including anti-corruption standards.

Our company prohibits corruption and its attempts, therefore, it introduces and operates an anti-corruption management system. Among other things, it facilitates the implementation of these by providing the necessary regulations and resources, extensive communication, targeted education, the introduction of a notification system, as well as regular risk assessment, control, review and continuous development.

Our company requires compliance with the anti-corruption legislation and internal valid and effective provisions for the prevention and detection of corruption, and that all employees and business partners of our company always act in a socially responsible manner during their activities, bearing in mind the declaration of intent stated above. Our goal is to establish and continuously develop a corporate culture and reporting system in which corruption, other abuse, or suspected violations of the anti-corruption policy can be reported to us by an employee in good faith and who reasonably suspects the existence of the suspicion, or an external person, without fear of retaliation and without influence.

In the case of Szeged Water Works, including the anti-corruption management system, the Board of Directors acts as the governing body, while the CEO acts as the senior manager.

This policy is organically linked and integrated into the quality management and internal regulations system of the Szeged Water Works. Those who violate the anti-corruption provisions of the policy - and the regulations contained in other related anti-corruption regulations - will be subject to the legal consequences allowed by the current legislation.